CyberPhish project impact will be on project partners. The project partners were selected according to their experience in cybersecurity.
CyberPhish project coordinator is Vilnius university (Lithuania) and 5 partners:
• Macdac Engineering Consultancy Bureau LTD – MECB (Malta)
• Dorea Educational Institute WTF (Cyprus)
• Public institution “Information Technologies Institute” (Lithuania)
• University of Tartu (Estonia)
• Altacom, SIA (Latvia)

Vilnius University Kaunas Faculty
Vilnius University is a classical university with 440 years of academic traditions and the widest range of study programmes in Lithuania. The university offers an academic environment focused onexcellence in research and teaching. Vilnius University is 1st in Lithuania according to national ranking. It is the most popular and most acknowledged higher education establishment among Lithuanian secondary school graduates. Kaunas Faculty is the only academic subunit of Vilnius University that is located in a different city. The Faculty is interdisciplinary, i.e. it encompasses study programmes from three different fields of science: Humanities, Social and Physical Sciences(Informatics). Faculty has accumulated experience in realizing Marketing study programmes: Marketing and Trade Management Masters study programme is running more than 20 years. Relevant to this project proposal is the newly launched BSc program in Marketing Technologies (Study area-Technological Sciences; Study field- Informatics Engineering) which will directly contribute to and benefit from this project.About

Macdac Engineering Consultancy Bureau LTD
Our Experience:
MECB commenced its operations in January 2005. Since its inception, MECB has increasingly carried out work in three main areas of activities:
- Technical consulting services
- Research & training services
- EU Project Partnering services.
Throughout these years, we have increasingly delivered high quality services in these three areas as our portfolio reflects.
Our Organisation:
MECB’s legal entity status is that of a Limited Liability Company registered with the Malta Financial Services Authority with registration number C 37773. MECB is also a Corporate Member of the Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise & Industry, Membership No: C016/05.
MECB’s organisation is based on a lean structure that allows us to quickly react to requests coming from both our clients and partners. MECB’s core team consists of a number of experienced individuals, all trained to postgraduate level. Our extended team includes:
- Professional Engineers and Scientists, most specialized to PhD level;
- Professional lecturers, including e-Learning courseware specialists;
- Technical lab operators;
- Engineering Designers and CAD operators;
- Legal Advisors; Social Scientists;
- EU Funding Mechanism Experts.

DOREA Educational Institute
DOREA Educational Institute is the Education & Training Centre established in 2012 in Limassol, Cyprus.
DOREA offers high quality non-formal education for adults and young people, covering the three main areas of non-formal education, that is socio-cultural (popular) education, education for personal development and professional training.
DOREA is the largest training provider of ERASMUS+ courses offering services in 12 European countries. One of the courses provided by DOREA is ‘Cybersecurity Education for Online Safety’ course, which aims to help participants to understand online security, learn to recognise possible threats, defend from cyber-attacks and respond to emergencies.
DOREA is also actively involved in the preparation, management and implementation of ERASMUS+ KA1, KA2 and KA3 projects as well as other programmes (e.g. H2020, INTERREG, Europe for citizens).

Information Technologies Institute
Public institution Information Technologies Institute (ITI) was established in 1997 and started as an organization which creates temporary professional working groups for projects on Information System design. ITI has strong experience in IT training/testing courseware design and development. Since 2000 ITI started with ECDL (European Computer Driving License) Programme implementation in Lithuania. Currently the development and dissemination of computer literacy related training/testing systems have the major importance for the Institute. Currently ITI is involved in development of Learning/Testing solutions for digital literacy, online security and marketing subjects.

University of Tartu
The University of Tartu (UT,, located in the city of Tartu (second largest city in Estonia), is the most prestigious and comprehensive university in the country and one of the most respectable educational and research centres in Central an Eastern Europe. UT belongs to the top 1,2% of world’s best universities (QS World University Rankings 2020 & Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2021). Founded in 1632, UT is organised into four faculties (social sciences, art & humanities, science & technology, and medicine), which are the home of more than 13000 students and 2000 scientists and academic staff (including 1300 international students from 90 countries). On average, the University awards 100 PhD degrees and university researchers publish about 3000 scientific articles annually.
The Institute of Computer Science ( has a long-standing reputation of outstanding educational programs, enabling students to grow with and adapt to rapidly changing technologies. It is a research-oriented institution, comprising 6 scientific research groups, which are specialised in (i) data science, (ii) programming languages and systems, (iii) security and theoretical computer science, (iv) software engineering, (v) distributed systems, and (vi) natural language processing. Further, the Institute manages a portfolio of over around 130 courses covering the entire spectrum of computer science and information systems (e.g., software engineering, distributed systems, and security engineering). Overall, the institute’s mission is to prepare students to learn, discover, innovate, and apply new knowledge in computer science through a balanced program of cutting-edge research, effective teaching, and outreach and service.

Altacom, SIA
Altacom, SIA is true value added IT distribution company, which was established in 2017 as one of Altacom branches. Altacom companies are currently operating across 4 countries (Baltics and Finland) with a head office location in Estonia and branch offices in Latvia and Lithuania.
Altacom, SIA focuses on data protection, IT infrastructure security, monitoring and management. Altacom brings technology solutions to a breadth of markets, including public sector, educational institutions, information systems, banking, medical, energy, defence and Managed Service Providers.
The full-time staff of Altacom, SIA has a strong experience in IT security and providing training for their partners and customers. Altacom, SIA employees together with colleagues from other Altacom companies are experienced professionals with various certifications covering all represented products (Bitdefender, SolarWinds, Utimaco, 42Gears, GFI, WinMagic).
We build trusted and secure networks of people and technologies.